
“EXPRESSIONS From the Soul of Telluride
by Kathleen M. Bush
Telluride Style, winter/spring 2003-2004


Some people are made for their careers. The two appear entirely born for each other, leaving the rest of us to wonder.Was there ever any doubt? Local artist Lisa Issenberg is one of those people, a true natural. Issenberg is a metal worker, constructing impressive pieces, big and small. She creates jewelry in silver and gold and larger works in steel and mixed-media; her style gracefully clean and richly minimal. Issenberg’s creativity is astounding. From her Rocky Mountain charms to Telluride’s trash and recycling receptacles, every detail of her work is unique and meticulously crafted. Currently, Issenberg is expanding her functional repertoire—tables, chairs, ladders, railings, office accents (like metal-framed, dry-erase/cork boards) and sconces. “I love it all and each project is a welcome challenge,” says Issenberg. “I love combining my style with the vision of others. To me, that’s what design is and what differentiates it from art. You’re looking outside, not just inside.” Issenberg’s work is on display throughout town and at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art.

With technological advantages, today’s jewelry scene is certainly more far-reaching and charismatic than in centuries past. Take for example, Lisa Issenberg’s jewelry designs. Issenberg has created the Rocky Mountain charms that employ photographs—of the San Juan ‘s majestic peaks and delicate wildflowers—framed in intricate motifs. Issenberg’s unique charms can be found at Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, on main street.